Thursday 21 August 2008

Playlist: Pete and the Pirates

Soul On Fire, Sebadoh
Reading Festival, 1996
I was about 12 when I byword this and I simply thought it was the most particular thing. I felt like part of a crowd because they were on a smaller stage, and I loved them. It's not their signature melodic phrase, but it was the first song they played - truly electric. The title captured the belief. Lou Barlow seemed like a hero.

Turn Me Well, Micachu
Great Escape, Brighton, 2008
This was an amazing shew. I got into her on MySpace and had seen her live on her possess. It's such good songwriting and played in such an interesting way: bright arrangements that don't detract from the melody. Stunningly good.

Cold Discovery, Smog
Green Man festival, 2007
I've loved him for ages, he's an incredible songwriter from Austin. He's been going for years and has such a powerful presence on stage, you can't help but watch. He's non doing anything particular in this song but it's very spellbinding. When we played Green Man we asked for the weekend off so we could attend as well as play. It was great.

I Lust You, Neon Neon
Summercase, Barcelona, 2008
Har Mar Superstar came onstage and did half the set with them - it was good 3am party music. It was a cool festival - beautiful hot weather, non like in the UK! I'm a big Super Furry Animals fan, and I beloved Gruff's solo stuff excessively. This is a universal song, it works in loads of different styles.

Do you realise?, Flaming Lips
Pukkelpop, Belgium, 2008
I've seen them a portion, they've become known as a festival band because their shows are so full on. But this was an incredible bear witness that surpassed expectation. I saw them earlier in their vocation - this was a big budget version of what they used to do but the gist is still there. They played this track in a heavy way, a bit Black Sabbath, which definitely worked.

Little Fury, The Breeders
Pukkel Pop, 2008
I'm a monumental Pixies fan and a big Breeders fan also. They're slenderly more flakey than the Pixies with less obvious hooks. Plus, they're a really different band to watch live. They're identical relaxed, they sound like they're around to fall apart, but there's skilful humour and interesting sounds in the mix as well.

Loretta's Scars, Pavement
Reading festival, 1998
They're another band seemingly relaxed and at ease onstage, yet their songs are on the brink of breaking down. They're so much playfulness. Stephen Malkmus, he's the coolest guy ever. He's an amazing guitarist, he's got a really dry wit, he's entertaining and he's on the same side as the crowd together. But he's weird, as well.

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